Episode 8: Bad-Ass Moms

Episode 8: Bad-Ass Moms

This week, in honor of Mother’s Day, we’ve got a couple of bad-ass mom stories for you. Our Moms are arguably a couple of the nicest, smartest, most lovely ladies that you’ll ever come across, but somehow we managed to come up with a few stories that show their wild sides. These stories range in scandal from completely accidental scofflawery, to getting locked up for necking on Lover’s Lane. Our Moms are good sports and our biggest fans, so they have approved these stories.

Shannon shares an adapted version of a story her Dad wrote, and you can check out the original written story, My Mother the Scofflaw, by John Inman.

Don’t forget to visit our website, unrefinedpod.com, for information about sharing your stories.

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